Feudi di San Gregorio

Greco di Tufo DOCG "Cutizzi" 2022 - Feudi di San Gregorio


  • Ready to ship (up to 2 items)

  • Vintage: 2022

  • Appellation: Greco di Tufo DOCG

  • Grape: greco

  • Alcohol: 13%

  • Bottle size: 0.75l

  • Allergens: Sulphites

  • Drink from: 2023/2025

  • Serve at: 10/12 °C

  • Perfect for: Appetizer, Dinner with friends

  • Tannico rating: 90pt

  • Type: White

  • Pairing: Fish-based appetizers, Fish-based main dishes, Fish-based pasta or rice dishes, Fresh cheeses, Raw fish

Current year awards

  • Luca Maroni 93

Tasting Notes

Straw yellow with golden highlights, it expresses all the typical characteristics of the variety thanks to a bouquet which spans from plum to pear, scents enriched by balsamic notes reminiscent of calamint. The acidic structure is perceived immediately on the palate, with the evident mineral flavour of the territory joined by a body that is never banal. Great finish, long and rewarding.


Excellent even with just a buffalo mozzarella, Feudi di San Gregorio's "Cutizzi" is a white wine that is particularly good with a great pizza Margherita.

Greco di Tufo DOCG "Cutizzi" 2022 - Feudi di San Gregorio: Why we like it

The chalky soils of Santa Paolina give the best bunches of Greco. It is from a selection of these grapes that "Cutizzi", the most representative expression of Greco di Tufo by Feudi di San Gregorio, is born. Greco di Tufo DOCG "Cutizzi" 2015 is a warm and elegant wine, deep and extremely polyhedral. It is the perfect example of a wine and a territory that are unique, in a vintage which is particularly fortunate for the production of excellent white wines.

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